Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Enough already

I honestly can't take it anymore. This steroid scandal has been made infinitely worse than it had to be. Major League Baseball has turned a performance-enhancing drug scandal, which has arisen in nearly all sports, and cranked out the Mitchell Report, books authored by intellectuals such as Jose Canseco, and multiple hearings before Congress. We get it, people took steroids, it's a blemished era. Must we beat the dead horse and find out exactly who did it, and for how long? Must we continue to make this into a circus? With our country at war, healthcare problems galore and a potential recession looming, should Congress really be wasting their time listening to Roger Clemens lie about whether or not he took a needle in the ass to make him throw a baseball harder? This is ridiculous, and frankly, I've had enough and can no longer be bothered.

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