Thursday, November 29, 2007

On a personal note..

I've been asked to write about something other than sports, so here's a quick personal post.

1) Today I won the 2007 Intramural Arm Wrestling Championship for the 136-150 lbs weight class. Why is this notable? Because it's actually important enough to my life to report. Granted I only had to beat 2 people to get there (I had a bye to the semifinals based on my semifinal appearance last year) but it's an accomplishment nonetheless. Boy I need another hobby. Seen any good movies lately?

2) Today I also randomly ran into someone I met on an cruise 3 years ago. It's quite amazing how the random things in your life never seem to go away, yet the things to wish to keep around fade away oh so quietly. For those interested: Jake dropped out of school, quit his job and is now playing in a band called 'Dead City Dregs'.

3) Can someone find a bar for me where you don't come back wreaking of smoke? This is becoming a major deterrent to going out, and it's quite frustrating. Who would have ever thought that I would be longing for New Jersey (where smoking in bars is illegal)?? Yes, our governors may be gay, and yes, they pay off young girls to keep their mouths shut, but at least our bars are free of smoke!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whoever told you to write about something other than sports is getting taken out back and shot lol. Kudos on the Arm Wresting Championship...Lay off the juice