Thursday, November 22, 2007

Numero uno

Attention dozens of people:

I have decided to start this blog for the following reasons.

1) I currently have enormous amounts of free time on my hands
2) I am tired of discussing my sports opinions with myself in the shower
3) The slight possibility lots of people read this blog, I can make it big, and then make millions by sitting on my ass and writing about sports.

Posts will mostly be about sports, but will also include some general ramblings. Expect a few motifs:

1) The Mets
2) From August-January, lots of college football
3) Slightly less bias than a Bill Simmons column, who despite writing solely about sports from the Devil's town, remains incredibly popular.

Happy Thanksgiving and tune in for more.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First post and you're already ripping Boston. I see where this blog is headed..

So, Pats by 35+ tomorrow night or what?