Friday, February 15, 2008


1. I've gotta give Roger Clemens some credit. He took a situation where its so obvious that he's lying, and turned it around and made McNamee look like a jackass. Clemens is still so obviously lying, and all the evidence points there, but his charade coupled with McNamee's inability to come off as any semblance of a human being made McNamee come off as the liar. And I think if it weren't for Henry Waxman's highly inappropriate closing comments (where he basically said it's obvious Clemens is still lying, and apologized to McNamee) the general public might have been swayed. With two completely conflicting stories, it's obvious someone is lying, and there's likely to be a federal investigation. While I firmly believe Clemens will eventually be outed as a liar, kudos to Roger for convincing many dumb Americans, and congressmen, that he might be telling the truth.

2. Happy Pitchers and Catchers! Early reports are that Johan and Pedro look great, and Duaner Sanchez is in the best shape of his life. I can't help but get excited for this year, as I hope to get the horrible taste of the 07 collapse out of my mouth as quickly as possible.

3. Every time I watch the Richard Zednik highlight, I cringe. What an absolute freak accident, and thank god team doctors were able to get him into a hospital on time. It just goes to show that in sports literally anything can, and will happen eventually. I've heard analysts say they are 'amazed' that more things like this don't happen on the ice with skates flying everywhere, but how often are people inverted in the air in hockey, and do so at the same time another players neck is in the area. I, for one, am glad it doesn't happen more often, and hope it never happens again.

4. As a Dolphins fan, I fully anticipated that Bill Parcells would come in here and clean house. I expected Randy Mueller to get the ax, I knew Cam Cameron would get his walking papers, and I wasn't surprised when Trent Green was sent packing along with other starters like Marty Booker and Keith Traylor. But did they really have to release Zach Thomas? This guy has been the heart and sole of the Dolphins since Marino left, and he deserved a better fate. It's gonna be a young, inexperienced team out there next year, and what better thing for a defense than a veteran leader who busts his ass play after play and makes 150 tackles a year. I know his contracts is big, and I know he's old, but the Dolphins faithful can only take so much. After a 1-15 year, 6 straight seasons without playoffs, and 5 different opening game QBs in 5 years, I don't know that I can swallow losing a team icon like that. Jason Taylor, one of the league's premier players, has been keeping his mouth shut while playing hard for this insufferable losing team. However with 1-15 and now the release of his half-brother (although I heard rumors they got divorced), we might hear some trade demands from JT. And the sad thing is, I think Parcells would let him go.

5. It's hard to comment on the Kidd trade fiasco, because it's hard to know what the exact deal was. I originally heard the deal was Devean George, Devin Harris, DeSagna Diop, Jerry Stackhouse, $3 million, and 2 first round picks for Kidd. In which case, what a deal for the Nets. They get a couple of expiring contracts, cash, and two first rounders for an unhappy player who, as good as he is, is causing more harm than good. But now, Devean George, who inexplicable has a no trade clause thanks to a little known NBA rule regarding 1-year contracts, has vetoed the trade and the NBA says Stackhouse cannot be traded to the Nets, only to be waived and return to Dallas in a month. Instead, the Mavs now want to be Trenton Hassell and Keith Van Horn in their place. Sure, just what the Nets fans have been itching for...the return of Keith Van Horn. More on this to come...

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