Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Mitchell Report Looms...

I can't even fathom how many professional baseball players will be sitting home tonight waiting for the other shoe to drop. This would be the real story, how many baseball players are wondering whether or not they will named tomorrow? It's like waiting for a jail sentence, a career ending jail sentence. I will not begin to speculate who will be named, because that's all it would be, speculation. However, nothing said tomorrow will be good for baseball, and some news could be potentially devastating. The best that the MLB can hope for is that no iconic players (Jeter, A-Rod, Ortiz, Vlad, DWright, etc) get named in the report. The Jose Guillens and Jay Gibbons' can be absorbed, but if a role model type player gets named in the Mitchell Report tomorrow, it could be a deadly blow.

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